This Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson's message will be Part II of the message centered around Caleb, one of the lesser known men who wholly depended upon God.   He was faithful to God, extremely courageous, and had the boldness to stand up for God when other Israelites threatened to kill him.  His relationship with God came from his neverending communion with God every day.  Caleb's life of relentless faith in God should serve as an example for us to rise up to the pursuit of a closer relationship with our holy God -- the benevolent Father, Jesus the Son of God and Savior of the world, and the Holy Spirit of God, comforter and guide.  Join us this Sunday and find out how Caleb's example of his love for God and his actions of faith are still a guiding light for us today.  You can hear this message in person or online - the service begins at 10:30 a.m.  Everyone is welcome!