This is the last Sunday service for 2024!!  Pastor Brian Pinson, Associate Pastor Craig Ison, and others will share a review of what we have accomplished for God's Kingdom this past year ... all to His glory!!!  We will look forward to 2025 with gratitude and greatful hearts toward God -- our loving Father, our precious Savior Jesus Christ, and our comforter and guide through the Holy Spirit.  Despite all of the chaos and uncertainties of our present world, we can rest assured that no matter what happens, God remains in complete control and will execute His divine will in every circumstance.  We can trust Him, even when we don't understand ... join us for the message based upon Joshua 1:1-9 that tells us to be strong and courageous!!
The service begins at 10:30 a.m., in person or online via Facebook.  Enter His gates with gratitude and thanksgiving in your hearts and minds that are open to the message of the Gospel!!  Everyone is welcome!