Recent News
This Sunday, Pastor Brian will be preaching from Matthew 7:21-23, part of the Sermon on the Mount message from last week. This week's sermon, "I NEVER KNEW YOU", will stir your heart to remind each of us that the only way to heaven is to follow the plan of salvation that God provides. God's plan says that we must admit that we are a sinner, confess our sins, believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, accept in our hearts that He came to take away the sins of the world through His death on the cross, and that He rose again. Works "in His name" cannot save us...only the blood of Jesus can blot out our sins and give us redemption. As believers, we must pursue a relationship with God, with Jesus as our mediator before the Father. We can do nothing to save ourselves or make our way into heaven . Living as a true Christian requires transformation from the old sinful life to a new, regenerated life given to us through God's the sacrificial work Jesus completed on the cross to fulfill the Father's will.
Matthew 7:21 - "Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."
If you want to learn more, we invite you to join us in person or online via Facebook this Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome!
Following the leading of the Holy Spirit, last Sunday was a beautiful service of sharing and praying about things in our lives that need God's intervention...sickness, lost family, forgiveness, and life struggles in general. Our faithful God is always ready to hear our prayers because He desires a personal relationship with His creation...His children. The subject of the day was the importance of being a part of God's family and what that actually means to the believer. The service was humbling, reflective, and very inspiring all at the same time!
This Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson will begin a brand new sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 6-7. This sermon is one of the most significant and well-known passages in all of Scripture. It lays out Jesus' moral vision for all of humanity. Jesus emphasizes the importance of love and compassion, humility, selflessness, and forgiveness. He told His followers not to worry about material possessions or outward appearances, but rather to focus on living a humble life of righteousness and integrity. Jesus explains that true happiness and fulfillment for a Christian comes only from being centered on God and from loving others, not from wealth, worldly success, and other aspects of the modern world. As we move forward in these messages, we must continue to examine our own lives using the words of Jesus as our guide. Personal ideas and opinions ebb and flow in our world, but the Word of God, spoken by Jesus Himself in this sermon, will never change.
We welcome you to join us this Sunday at 10:30 a.m., either in person or online via Facebook. Everyone is welcome!