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This coming Sunday, Pastor Brian will be preaching the third message in the sermon series - "Are You Resting In God?", based on the Scripture verses found in Hebrews 4:1-11.  Ask yourself these questions:  "Am I resting in God, or am I finding myself overcome with the oppression of life's routines and monotony?  Am I resting in God, or have I forfeited His available rest, by first, not believing in Him, and secondly, by not trusting in Him?"  God demonstrated for us that after the completion of our work, we are to take rest in Him.  Even our Savior, Jesus Christ, would often go away from the crowds to rest and pray.  This messages in this sermon series will provide some Biblical guidance on how you can find the divine rest that can only be found in God.  Please join us in person or watch online via Facebook; the service begins at 10:30 a.m.   Everyone is welcome.  Come with open hearts and open minds to learn how to draw closer to the wonderful, unimaginable rest and peace that He has waiting for you!!!

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This Sunday, Pastor Brian will be preaching the second half of the message - "Are You Resting In God?", based on the Scripture verses found in Hebrews 4:1-11.  "Are you resting in God, or are you finding yourself overcome with the oppression of life's routines and monotony?  Are you resting in God, or have you forfeited His available rest, by first, not believing in Him, and secondly, by not trusting in Him?"  This message will provide some Biblical guidance on how you can find the divine rest that can only be found in God.  The chaos of this world is only going to get more widespread and more oppressive, especially for Christians, the closer we move toward Christ's return.  You can join us in person or listen online on Facebook; the service begins at 10:30 a.m.   Everyone is welcome.  Come with open hearts and open minds to learn how to draw closer to the wonderful, unimaginable rest and peace He has waiting for you!

SPECIAL NOTE:  Please continue to be in prayer for all of the people who have been victims of the devastation left by Hurricane Helene.  Some families are missing and some have lost everything.  Many people are stranded with no access to the outside world.  Helicopter rescue teams are working vigorously to bring food, basic necessities, and medical supplies to those who are stranded.  Injured people are being rescued as quickly as possible.  Some communities are being reached by individuals bringing supplies in by pack mules.  Individuals, companies, and organizations from all over the country are providing assistance to the victims.  Also, remember all those doing some of the most difficult work - fire departments, rescue workers, police force members, power company and construction workers, churches and other non-profit organizations, national guard and other branches of the armed forces, FEMA ... and the list goes on and on.  The task of rebuilding and recovering seems insurmountable at the moment. but NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!  Keep your prayers going heavenward!