Morning Worship and Children's Church - December 4, 2022

This Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson will share with us a beautiful message that is especially relevant at this time of the Advent season.  Taken from John 11, the message will lay out in more detail the purpose of Jesus' birth -- for the salvation of humanity.  He is the Son of God, taking on human flesh, in order to know each of us more intimately.  He knows when we cry out to Him because of our hurts, our pain, our sickness, our grief -- there is not anything we can go through in this life that He has not already experienced ... yet without sin.  He sees our tears, and He fully understands our suffering.  His birth - the First Advent - began the beginning of God's salvation plan for humanity.  We invite you to join us to hear this message - either in person or online - with open minds and open hearts.  As believers, we are reminded to "keep our lights burning brightly" until His Second Advent when we will all go home to be with Him forever.  Everyone is welcome!!!
Morning Worship and Children's Church - Sunday, No...


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    • Contact CBC

      Calvary Baptist Church
      1515 E State Rd. 10
      Knox, Indiana 46534

      Phone: 574-772-4993

      Brian Pinson, Pastor
      Saundra Howard, Secretary

      Sunday School 9:30AM
      Worship Service 10:30AM
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      Verse of the Day

      2 Peter 1:4  “Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”
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