Morning Worship and Children's Church - Sunday, November 27, 2022

This coming Sunday we will be celebrating The Lord's Supper.  After the music worship and a brief message, we will demonstrate our thankfulness to God for providing us His Son as a sacrifice for our sins.  We partake of Communion to remember Jesus - His body and His blood - given for us on the cross in fullfillment of God's plan for our redemption.  May God fill our hearts with love and gratitude for Who He Is to us as His Children.  Thankfulness should be a daily expression, not just during the Thanksgiving season.  Join us this Sunday as we celebrate Communion. 

Also, please remember in prayer those who are struggling this Thanksgiving -- poverty, grief, depression, isolation, sickness -- and most of all, be kind.  God bless you all this week!!! 
Morning Worship and Children's Church - December 4...


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    • Contact CBC

      Calvary Baptist Church
      1515 E State Rd. 10
      Knox, Indiana 46534

      Phone: 574-772-4993

      Brian Pinson, Pastor
      Saundra Howard, Secretary

      Sunday School 9:30AM
      Worship Service 10:30AM
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      Verse of the Day

      2 Peter 1:4  “Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”
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