Worship Service and Children's Church - October 15 & October 22, 2023

We are so excited to be starting a new Sermon Series called "THE LAST DAYS".  Pastor Brian Pinson will be delivering the first message in the series this coming Sunday - "The Rise of Apostasy" Part I.  The second message in the series will be delivered on Sunday, October 22 - "The Rise of Apostasy" Part II.  Biblical prophecy is literally being fulfilled before our very eyes!!!  Even though we don't know exactly when the events will take place in God's timeline, He does tell us learn, watch, and be ready, with our lamps filled and burning brightly.  If you are interested in finding out more, please come and join us as we study God's Word about what's to come.  Worship Service starts in person or online via Facebook at 10:30 a.m.  You are welcome in God's house!!

Prayer Request:  Please continue to pray for Israel for God's protection and provision.  Many have suffered and some have died during the horrific events taking place.  Pray for God to open the eyes of the blind to see our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as the one and only true Messiah.  God bless you all!


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Wednesday, 12 March 2025

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    • Contact CBC

      Calvary Baptist Church
      1515 E State Rd. 10
      Knox, Indiana 46534

      Phone: 574-772-4993

      Brian Pinson, Pastor
      Saundra Howard, Secretary

      Sunday School 9:30AM
      Worship Service 10:30AM
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      Verse of the Day

      2 Peter 1:4  “Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”
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