Do you desire a stronger, more focused relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? We invite you to join us this coming Sunday to hear Part 1 of this sermon series, "The Cost of Following Jesus Christ". You can hear the message in person or online via Facebook at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome!
Do you desire a stronger, more focused relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? We invite you to join us this coming Sunday to hear Part 1 of this sermon series, "The Cost of Following Jesus Christ". You can hear the message in person or online via Facebook at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome!
Want to start off 2024 with excitement in your love for God! Join us on Sunday, either in person or online via Facebook, as Pastor Brian delves more deeply into the message in Psalm 150. Everyone is welcome!
Jesus lived a perfect life as an example for us to strive to become...through God's help. Jesus led a life of humility in service to others. Everything He said and did was to fulfill the will of His Father ... to show humanity the way to truth and righteousness through self-sacrifice and obedience. Let everyone who has an ear, let him hear...the time is growing short...this is the time to examine your life and your walk with Jesus. Do you know Him? Are you ready for what's coming?
Please join us this coming Sunday to hear this special Christmas Eve message of love and encouragement. The service begins at 10:30 a.m. - live in person or via Facebook online. Everyone is welcome!
Jesus came to us as the humble Lamb of God, but He will return to us as a Lion of the Tribe of Judah. His armies will come with Him to issue judgment and establish His Kingdom for 1000 years of the Millennial Reign.
The various prophecies in the Bible -- Daniel, Exekiel, Matthew, Revelation, Isaiah, etc. -- warn us about what is going to happen. No one knows the exact timing of these events and when the end will come, but we are given some signs of the times. If we look at events going on in the world and even in our own country, we see reminders that every day is closer to the Lord's Return. Are you ready??? Are you preparing yourself and your family for what is to come? If you are interested in learning more about the End Times as recorded in the Word of God, please join us this Sunday at 10:30 a.m., either in person or online via Facebook.
The various prophecies in the Bible -- Daniel, Exekiel, Matthew, Revelation, Isaiah, etc. -- warn us about what is going to happen. No one knows the timing of these events and when the end will come, but we are given some signs of the times. As believers, the greatest promise we have is that the end of the Tribulation Period will be evident with the Second Advent of Jesus, when He returns to set up His kingdom. Are you ready??? If you are interested in learning more about the End Times as recorded in the Word of God, please join us this Sunday at 10:30 a.m., either in person or online via Facebook.
Please join us as we worship together! Service begins at 10:30 a.m. in person or online via Facebook. Everyone is welcome!!
If you or someone you know does not yet have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, now is the time seek Him. The plan of salvation is very simple, but must be made with an earnest, repentant heart. We are saved through GRACE alone. Salvation and remission of sins comes only through the shed blood of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection, conquering death. We all deserve death, but He loves us enough to save us to an eternal life with Him in heaven. As believers, we walk by faith in Him, and we have our hearts and minds set on heaven!
The more a Christian learns about what God tells us in His Word about the end times, the better we can be prepared for His Coming and the more motivated we will be to sharing the message of salvation to those around us. We are not told the exact days and times of these coming events, but we are certainly given signs of the times. If you want to know more, please join us in person or online via Facebook on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. You are welcome to come to God's House!!!
If you or someone you know does not yet have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, now is the time seek Him. The plan of salvation is very simple, but must be made with an earnest, repentant heart. We are saved through GRACE alone. Salvation and remission of sins comes only through the shed blood of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection, conquering death. We all deserve death, but He loves us enough to save us to an eternal life with Him in heaven. As believers, we walk by faith in Him, and we have our hearts and minds set on heaven!
Joshua 24:14-15 Choose Whom You Will Serve
14 “Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15 And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
The more a Christian learns about what God tells us in His Word about the end times, the better we can be prepared for His Coming and the more motivated we will be to sharing the message of salvation to those around us. We are not told the exact days and times of these coming events, but we are certainly given signs of the times. If you want to know more, please join us in person or online via Facebook on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. You are welcome to come to God's House!!!
For the next two Sundays we will learn about the terrifying events that will take place in the world when Christ removes His Church and God pours out His wrath upon this unbelieving world. The time of the Tribulation will be so horrific for humanity that it is said to be "terrifying circumstances greater than the world has ever seen or ever will see". NOW is the time for spread the Gospel message to family and friends who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus!!! Only those who know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord will partake in the Rapture, and those left behind will face extreme persecution at a point that cannot even be perceived by humanity.
The more a Christian learns about what God tells us in His Word about the end times, the better we can be prepared for His Coming and the more motivated we will be to sharing the message of salvation to those around us. We are not told the exact days and times of these coming events, but we are certainly given signs of the times. If you want to know more, please join us in person or online via Facebook on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. You are welcome to come to God's House!!!
This Sunday will be the second message in the Sermon Series "THE FINAL DAYS". This message, "Christ Is Coming: So Be Encouraged", will be a 2-part message to be delivered over the next two Sundays. This message will focus on the Rapture of the Church and events leading up to that divine event. Although we are living in perilous times, which are only going to get more dangerous as the time draws near to the time when Jesus comes to take His children home, we can be encouraged because we KNOW it is all part of God's timeline of events. As each day passes bringing us closer to being with our Lord forever, we must press forward in spreading the message of the Gospel for those who are not saved! The time of the Tribulation will be so horrific for humanity that it is said to be "terrifying circumstances greater than the world has ever seen or ever will see".
The more a Christian learns about what God tells us in His Word about the end times, the better we can be prepared for His Coming and the more motivated we will be to sharing the message of salvation to those around us. We are not told the exact days and times of these coming events, but we are certainly given signs of the times. If you want to know more, please join us in person or online via Facebook on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. You are welcome to come to God's House!!!
Prayer Request: Please continue to pray for Israel for God's protection and provision. Many have suffered and some have died during the horrific events taking place. Pray for God to open the eyes of the blind to see our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as the one and only true Messiah. God bless you all!
This Sunday, Associate Pastor Craig Ison will deliver the message that God's has laid upon his heart; the sermon title is "Seasons". We see the changing of the earthly seasons, each one bringing some challenges and some blessings. The same is true in our natural lives and in our spiritual lives. We all experience difficult times, but as we choose to follow closer to Jesus and His plan, we can be assured that we will make it through to the blessing waiting on the other side of the obstacle. He will never leave us, no matter the circumstances. If you want to learn more about the faithfulness of our Savior during the seasons of our lives, please join us, in person or online via Facebook, to hear this beautiful, encouraging message. The service begins at 10:30 a.m.; Children's Church will also be available. Everyone is welcome!!
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