This Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson will begin a 2-Part sermon series entitled "The Vision of the Glorified Son of God". This teaching will be based upon Revelation 1:9-18, and the words will encourage us with "the vision of the glorified Son of God" in all of His magnificance, in all of His majesty, and in all of His spendor! The Apostle Paul, while on the Isle of Patmos, was given a Revelation that gave words of encouragement, words of warning, as well as a summary of future events leading up through the End of Days, including the return of our Lord Jesus Christ and the final judgment of all mankind who chose not to believe in the Messiah. Paul documented all that he saw and heard in the Book of Revelation, which remains a powerful message for us today. Today's message will focus on the beginning of the revelation and the letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor. The contents of these letters apply to the Church in current times. If you want to know more about the vision that Paul saw, please join us this Sunday, in person or online via Facebook, at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome!!!
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