This Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson will be preaching Part III of the sermon series called "A SOBERING WARNING FROM THE BIBLE", based upon Hebrews 12:25-29.  This is a message series that reminds us that many, many people in this world have become increasingly apathetic and indifferent to the Gospel Message of Salvation offered by Jesus Christ, our Savior, to all humanity.  We have warnings throughout the Bible, God's Holy Word, that there is a coming judgment for those who reject God's precious gift of salvation through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, for our redemption.  The writer of Hebrews is quoting from the Book of Haggai, who prophesied that a dark and threatening cloud will spread over the sky as God will fulfill a "promised" cataclysmic arrival and judgment.  He will shake not only the earth but also the heavens, and the only thing that will remain is that which is truly real:  the Word of God and those who who have been redeemed and belong to the kingdom of God.  

God's desire is not to pour out His wrath and judgment upon the earth, but His holiness and His righteousness demands that He does so because sin can never enter heaven.  Sin requires a sacrifice.  Our amazing God is also a God of love and longsuffering, giving humanity the blessed opportunity to come into His saving graces.  John 3:16-17 reminds us:  "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him."
As true believers, we know that when Jesus gave His life, shedding His blood on the cross, He was the one and only sacrificial offering that was needed to cover our sins.  Unless we accept God's gift of redemption provided through His Son, we stand condemned and will suffer the judgment to come.

God allows each person to make his or her own choice - to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, and live in heaven throughout all eternity, OR to reject Jesus as Savior and receive a judgment of eternity in  pain and suffering in hell.   There are no other options; Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

Come study with us the Scriptures in Hebrews 12 to find out more about this individual decision each of us must make.  God's Holy Word is the source of ultimate truth!  Our service begins at 10:30 a.m.; you can join us in person or online via Facebook.  Everyone is welcome!
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This Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson will be continuing the sermon series called "A SOBERING WARNING FROM THE BIBLE", based upon Hebrews 12:25-29.  This is a message series that reminds us that many, many people in this world have become increasingly apathetic and indifferent to the Gospel Message of Salvation offered by Jesus Christ, our Savior, to all humanity.  Believing in God's salvation plan, or even that there is a God, simply isn't enough.  Even the demons believe and they tremble.  God's message is a one of love and hope, but to refuse to accept God's invitation of salvation will result in a judgment against unbelievers that is not only frightening and terrifying, but there will be NO END TO THE MISERY OF THEIR SOUL!!!  (Revelation 20:11-15).  The only way to receive the promise of redemption and an eternity in heaven is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  We must confess that we are sinners, ask for repentance, allow God to work His will in our lives, and believe in all that He is and trust Him. 

We must realize the seriousness of our choice - to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, and live in heaven throughout all eternity, OR to deny Jesus as Savior and turn away to follow your own will with a hardened heart, and thus receive a judgment of eternity in  pain and suffering in hell.   God allows each person to make that choice.  There is no promise of tomorrow, and there is no guarantee of another opportunity for you to make your choice to give your life to God before you leave this world.  Today is the day of salvation for you!!  Joshua 24:15 tells us to "choose this day whom you will serve" and if you choose Christ, you can say, "As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." 

Will you enter eternity as one of His children, or will you enter as one of His enemies?  You can't be a little of both and make it into heaven.

Come study with us the Scriptures in Hebrews 12 to find out more about this individual decision each of us must make.  God's Holy Word is the source of ultimate truth!  Our service begins at 10:30 a.m.; you can join us in person or online via Facebook.  Everyone is welcome!!
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JOHN 1:1-5

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  2 He was in the beginning with God.  3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.  4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men.  5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

This Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson will be beginning a new sermon series called "A SOBERING WARNING FROM THE BIBLE", based upon Hebrews 12:25-29.  This is a message that reminds us that many, many people in this world have become increasingly apathetic and indifferent to the Gospel Message of Salvation offered by Jesus Christ, our Savior, to all humanity.  Believing in God's salvation plan, or even that there is a God, simply isn't enough.  Even the demons believe and they tremble.  God's message is a one of love and hope, but to refuse to accept that message will result in a judgment that our minds simply cannot fathom.  The only way to receive the promise of redemption and an eternity in heaven is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  We must confess that we are sinners, ask for repentance, allow God to work His will in our lives, and believe in all that He is and trust Him.  

Please join us as we are reminded of the seriousness of our choice - to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, and live in heaven throughout all eternity, or to deny Jesus as Savior and turn away to follow your own will with a hardened heart, and thus receive a judgment of eternity in  pain and suffering in hell.   God allows each person to make that choice.  Come study with us the Scriptures in Hebrews 12 to find out more about this individual decision each of us must make.  God's Holy Word is the source of ultimate truth!  Our service begins at 10:30 a.m.; you can join us in person or online via Facebook.  Everyone is welcome!!

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Pastor Brian was out sick last week, so this Sunday he will deliver the second part to the message, "Remembering the Unnoticed and Unappreciated", from Scriptures found in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah.  There are several other individuals that Nehemiah mentions specifically who are not always front and center, but who nonetheless are workers/servants behind the scenes to further the message of the Gospel.  The Bible teaches us to be careful, even mindful, not to forget those individuals who not only may be working behind the scenes but may also come from different backgrounds and cultures that we have.  "Jesus teaches us that regardless of their backgrounds, and/or their former sins, they are nevertheless a part of the overall Body of Christ; His Divine Body, the Church."  God has designed each of us with traits, characteristics, personalities, experiences, skills, and so on, so that we can fill a specific place in His Kingdom.  As we continue to submit to His Will for our lives, He will continue to lead us into fulfilling the work He has for each of us to do, individually and as part of the Body of Christ.

We invite you to join us, either in person or online via Facebook, this Sunday at 10:30 a.m., to hear this reassuring message.  Everyone is welcome!! 
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2025 WILL BE AN EVENTFUL YEAR!!  We pray this year God will continue to open doors of opportunity for us to serve our community through the ministries of our church, especially by sharing the powerful Gospel Message of salvation through our service.  Ephesians 2:10 - "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do."  Seek out ways you can serve to shine the light of Jesus to others!!  GOD HAS A PLAN AND WILL BRING HIS PLAN TO FULFILLMENT - HE WANTS US TO BE THE WILLING WORKERS IN THE FIELD!!!

Because Pastor Brian was out sick last week, this Sunday he will deliver the second part to the message, "Remembering the Unnoticed and Unappreciated", from Scriptures found in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah.  There are several other individuals that Nehemiah mentions specifically who are not always front and center, but who nonetheless are workers/servants behind the scenes to further the message of the Gospel.  The Bible teaches us to be careful, even mindful, not to forget those individuals who not only may be working behind the scenes but may also come from different backgrounds and cultures that we have.  "Jesus teaches us that regardless of their backgrounds, and/or their former sins, they are nevertheless a part of the overall Body of Christ; His Divine Body, the Church."  God has designed each of us with traits, characteristics, personalities, experiences, skills, and so on, so that we can fill a specific place in His Kingdom.  As we continue to submit to His Will for our lives, He will continue to lead us into fulfilling the work He has for each of us to do, individually and as part of the Body of Christ.

We invite you to join us, either in person or online via Facebook, this Sunday at 10:30 a.m., to hear this reassuring message.  Everyone is welcome!! 
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2025 WILL BE AN EVENTFUL YEAR!!  We pray this year God will continue to open doors of opportunity for us to serve our community through the ministries of our church, especially by sharing the powerful Gospel Message of salvation through our service.  Ephesians 2:10 - "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do."  Seek out ways you can serve to shine the light of Jesus to others!!  GOD HAS A PLAN AND WILL BRING HIS PLAN TO FULFILLMENT - HE WANTS US TO BE THE WILLING WORKERS IN THE FIELD!!!

This Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson will deliver the second part to the message, "Remembering the Unnoticed and Unappreciated", from Scriptures found in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah.  There are several other individuals that Nehemiah mentions specifically who are not always front and center, but who nonetheless are workers/servants behind the scenes to further the message of the Gospel.  The Bible teaches us to be careful, even mindful, not to forget those individuals who not only may be working behind the scenes but may also come from different backgrounds and cultures that we have.  "Jesus teaches us that regardless of their backgrounds, and/or their former sins, they are nevertheless a part of the overall Body of Christ; His Divine Body, the Church."  God has designed each of us with traits, characteristics, personalities, experiences, skills, and so on, so that we can fill a specific place in His Kingdom.  As we continue to submit to His Will for our lives, He will continue to lead us into fulfilling the work He has for each of us to do, individually and as part of the Body of Christ.

We invite you to join us, either in person or online via Facebook, this Sunday at 10:30 a.m., to hear this reassuring message.  Everyone is welcome!! 
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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  We pray this year God will continue to open doors of opportunity for us to serve our community through the ministries of our church, especially by sharing the powerful Gospel Message of salvation through our service.  Ephesians 2:10 - "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do."  Seek out ways you can serve to shine the light of Jesus to others!!

This Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson will deliver the message, "Remembering the Unnoticed and Unappreciated", from Scriptures found in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah.  The Bible teaches us to be careful, even mindful, not to forget those individuals who not only may be working behind the scenes but may also come from different backgrounds and cultures that we have.  "Jesus teaches us that regardless of their backgrounds, and/or their former sins, they are nevertheless a part of the overall Body of Christ; His Divine Body, the Church."  God has designed each of us with traits, characteristics, personalities, experiences, skills, and so on, so that we can fill a specific place in His Kingdom.  As we continue to submit to His Will for our lives, He will continue to lead us into fulfilling the work He has for each of us to do, individually and as part of the Body of Christ.

We invite you to join us, either in person or online via Facebook, this Sunday at 10:30 a.m., to hear this reassuring message.  Everyone is welcome!! 
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This is the last Sunday service for 2024!!  Pastor Brian Pinson, Associate Pastor Craig Ison, and others will share a review of what we have accomplished for God's Kingdom this past year ... all to His glory!!!  We will look forward to 2025 with gratitude and greatful hearts toward God -- our loving Father, our precious Savior Jesus Christ, and our comforter and guide through the Holy Spirit.  Despite all of the chaos and uncertainties of our present world, we can rest assured that no matter what happens, God remains in complete control and will execute His divine will in every circumstance.  We can trust Him, even when we don't understand ... join us for the message based upon Joshua 1:1-9 that tells us to be strong and courageous!!
The service begins at 10:30 a.m., in person or online via Facebook.  Enter His gates with gratitude and thanksgiving in your hearts and minds that are open to the message of the Gospel!!  Everyone is welcome!
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This Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson will deliver the Christmas message entitled, "The Absolutes of Christmas".  This sermon will remind us through Scriptures the reason God sent His Son, Christ Jesus, to this earth.  He will also show us, through the Scripture,  of the "absolutes" of God's divine plan for the redemption of mankind, through Jesus' birth, life, and death on the cross as a substitutionary work for our sins.  "Man has done the sinning, ... but CHRIST JESUS HAS DONE THE SAVING!"  This is the absolute truth declared in God's Word, and it is the absolute truth regarding the message of Christmas!  It is worthy of our trust and  belief, and deserving of our full acceptance.  Please join us on Sunday for this enlightening message.  Service begins at 10:30 a.m., in person or online via Facebook.  Everyone is welcome!!!
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You are invited to join us this Sunday, December 15th, for our Children's Christmas Program!  There will be much singing and joy in our hearts as we join the children in sharing our love for our Savior, Jesus Christ!  Our service begins at 10:30 a.m. - in person or online via Facebook!  You will be blessed!
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This Sunday, Pastor Brian Pinson will deliver the message "Christmas's First Hymn" to begin our Christmas season.  The focus of the message will remind us of the beauty of the fact that the angel delivered the message of our Savior's birth first to lowly shepherds and was immediately joined by a heavenly host of angels singing and praising God!  Wouldn't that have been a sight to behold!  Please join us this Sunday to hear this beautiful message.  The service begins at 10:30 a.m. in person or online via Facebook.  Come with open hearts and you will certainly be blessed!!!  Everyone is welcome!
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This Sunday, Associate Pastor Craig Ison will be delivering the message "THANKSGIVING TO THE STORY OF REDEMPTION".  Life is so busy and chaotic that we can lose our focus on the real reason for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Please join us this Sunday to regain or strengthen your focus back to the reasons we are to be thankful and what Jesus did for us.  The Bible states over and over again that we are to be thankful to God, even in the worst of circumstances.  Without Jesus's birth, there would be no resurrection.  God had a plan before the foundation of the world...His plan for the redemption of mankind is on every page of His Word - from Genesis to Revelation.  We welcome you to hear this message on how we can have an even deeper understanding of this time of the year.  Everyone is welcome to join us in person or online via Facebook at 10:30 a.m.  Happy and blessed Thanksgiving!!!!
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This coming Sunday, Pastor Brian will be preaching the fourth and last message in the sermon series - "Are You Resting In God?", based on the Scripture verses found in Hebrews 4:1-11.  Ask yourself these questions:  "Am I resting in God, or am I finding myself overcome with the oppression of life's routines and monotony?  Am I resting in God, or have I forfeited His available rest, by first, not believing in Him, and secondly, by not trusting in Him?"  God demonstrated for us that after the completion of our work, we are to take rest in Him.  Even our Savior, Jesus Christ, would often go away from the crowds to rest and pray.  These messages in this sermon series will provide some Biblical guidance on how you can find the divine rest that can only be found in God.  Please join us in person or watch online via Facebook; the service begins at 10:30 a.m.  Everyone is welcome.  Come with open hearts and open minds to learn how to draw closer to the wonderful, unimaginable rest and peace that He has waiting for you!

A special treat for us -- the children will be singing with the Worship Team this morning!!!  Pray for them, that God will bless them and keep them calm as they sing!
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Pastor Brian Pinson was out sick last Sunday, so we heard a wonderful message from our Associate Pastor Craig Ison.  His message, "The Danger of Self-Reliance", touched many hearts in the congregation.  As Christians, we get ourselves in a dangerous place when we think that we are masters of all we survey.  God must be first in our devotion and in our priorities!

This coming Sunday, Pastor Brian will be preaching the third message in the sermon series - "Are You Resting In God?", based on the Scripture verses found in Hebrews 4:1-11.  Ask yourself these questions:  "Am I resting in God, or am I finding myself overcome with the oppression of life's routines and monotony?  Am I resting in God, or have I forfeited His available rest, by first, not believing in Him, and secondly, by not trusting in Him?"  God demonstrated for us that after the completion of our work, we are to take rest in Him.  Even our Savior, Jesus Christ, would often go away from the crowds to rest and pray.  This messages in this sermon series will provide some Biblical guidance on how you can find the divine rest that can only be found in God.  Please join us in person or watch online via Facebook; the service begins at 10:30 a.m.   Everyone is welcome.  Come with open hearts and open minds to learn how to draw closer to the wonderful, unimaginable rest and peace that He has waiting for you!!
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This coming Sunday, Pastor Brian will be preaching the third message in the sermon series - "Are You Resting In God?", based on the Scripture verses found in Hebrews 4:1-11.  Ask yourself these questions:  "Am I resting in God, or am I finding myself overcome with the oppression of life's routines and monotony?  Am I resting in God, or have I forfeited His available rest, by first, not believing in Him, and secondly, by not trusting in Him?"  God demonstrated for us that after the completion of our work, we are to take rest in Him.  Even our Savior, Jesus Christ, would often go away from the crowds to rest and pray.  This messages in this sermon series will provide some Biblical guidance on how you can find the divine rest that can only be found in God.  Please join us in person or watch online via Facebook; the service begins at 10:30 a.m.   Everyone is welcome.  Come with open hearts and open minds to learn how to draw closer to the wonderful, unimaginable rest and peace that He has waiting for you!!!
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This Sunday, Pastor Brian will be preaching the second half of the message - "Are You Resting In God?", based on the Scripture verses found in Hebrews 4:1-11.  "Are you resting in God, or are you finding yourself overcome with the oppression of life's routines and monotony?  Are you resting in God, or have you forfeited His available rest, by first, not believing in Him, and secondly, by not trusting in Him?"  This message will provide some Biblical guidance on how you can find the divine rest that can only be found in God.  The chaos of this world is only going to get more widespread and more oppressive, especially for Christians, the closer we move toward Christ's return.  You can join us in person or listen online on Facebook; the service begins at 10:30 a.m.   Everyone is welcome.  Come with open hearts and open minds to learn how to draw closer to the wonderful, unimaginable rest and peace He has waiting for you!

SPECIAL NOTE:  Please continue to be in prayer for all of the people who have been victims of the devastation left by Hurricane Helene.  Some families are missing and some have lost everything.  Many people are stranded with no access to the outside world.  Helicopter rescue teams are working vigorously to bring food, basic necessities, and medical supplies to those who are stranded.  Injured people are being rescued as quickly as possible.  Some communities are being reached by individuals bringing supplies in by pack mules.  Individuals, companies, and organizations from all over the country are providing assistance to the victims.  Also, remember all those doing some of the most difficult work - fire departments, rescue workers, police force members, power company and construction workers, churches and other non-profit organizations, national guard and other branches of the armed forces, FEMA ... and the list goes on and on.  The task of rebuilding and recovering seems insurmountable at the moment. but NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!  Keep your prayers going heavenward!
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This Sunday, Pastor Brian will be preaching the message - "Are You Resting In God?", based on the Scripture verses found in Hebrews 4:1-11.  "Are you resting in God, or are you finding yourself overcome with the oppression of life's routines and monotony?  Are you resting in God, or have you forfeited His available rest, by first, not believing in Him, and secondly, by not trusting in Him?"  This message will provide some Biblical guidance on how you can find the divine rest that can only be found in God.  You can join us in person or listen online on Facebook; the service begins at 10:30 a.m.   Everyone is welcome.  Come with open hearts and open minds to learn how to draw closer to the wonderful, unimaginable rest and peace He has waiting for you!

SPECIAL NOTE:  Please be in prayer for all of the people who have been victims of the devastation left by Hurricane Helene.  Some families are missing and some have lost everything.  Many people are stranded with no access to the outside world.  Helicopter rescue teams are working vigorously to bring food, basic necessities, and medical supplies to those who are stranded.  Injured people are being rescued as quickly as possible.  Some communities are being reached by individuals bringing supplies in by pack mules.  Individuals, companies, and organizations from all over the country are providing assistance to the victims.  Also, remember all those doing some of the most difficult work - fire departments, rescue workers, police force members, power company and construction workers, churches and other non-profit organizations, national guard and other branches of the armed forces, FEMA ... and the list goes on and on.  The task of rebuilding and recovering seems insurmountable at the moment. but NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!  Keep your prayers going heavenward!!!
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This Sunday, Pastor Brian will be preaching the message - "Are You Resting In God?", based on the Scripture verses found in Hebrews 4:1-11.  "Are you resting in God, or are you finding yourself overcome with the oppression of life's routines and monotony?  Are you resting in God, or have you forfeited His available rest, by first, not believing in Him, and secondly, by not trusting in Him?"  This message will provide some Biblical guidance on how you can find the divine rest that can only be found in God.  You can join us in person or listen online on Facebook; the service begins at 10:30 a.m.   Everyone is welcome.  Come with open hearts and open minds to learn how to draw closer to the wonderful, unimaginable rest and peace He has waiting for you!

SPECIAL NOTE:  Please be in prayer for all of the people who have been victims of the devastation left by Hurricane Helene.  Some families are missing and some have lost everything.  Many people are stranded with no access to the outside world.  Helicopter rescue teams are working vigorously to bring food, basic necessities, and medical supplies to those who are stranded.  Injured people are being rescued as quickly as possible.  Some communities are being reached by individuals bringing supplies in by pack mules.  Individuals, companies, and organizations from all over the country are providing assistance to the victims.  Also, remember all those doing some of the most difficult work - fire departments, rescue workers, police force members, power company and construction workers, churches and other non-profit organizations, national guard and other branches of the armed forces, FEMA ... and the list goes on and on.  The task of rebuilding and recovering seems insurmountable at the moment. but NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!  Keep your prayers going heavenward!!!
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This Sunday is Fellowship Sunday.  This day is a time for sharing our lives with others - our church family and our visitors.  There will be a few special activities during the worship service that will highlight some of the ministries here at Calvary and show how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus to others and to engage in activities that make us more effective diciples for Christ.  You will also have an opportunity to join in with our Fellowship Dinner right after the morning service.  This is a wonderful opportunity to share a meal and create new friendships with each other...all to God's glory!   The service will also be online via Facebook at 10:30 a.m. for those who are unable to attend.  We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
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This Sunday, Pastor Brian will continue preaching from Matthew 7:21-23, part of the Sermon on the Mount message from last week.  This week's sermon, "I NEVER KNEW YOU", Part 2, will stir your heart to remind each of us that the only way to heaven is to follow the plan of salvation that God provides.  God's plan says that we must admit that we are a sinner, confess our sins, believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, accept in our hearts that He came to take away the sins of the world through His death on the cross, and that He rose again.  Works "in His name" cannot save us...only the blood of Jesus can blot out our sins and give us redemption. As believers, we must pursue a relationship with God, with Jesus as our mediator before the Father.  We can do nothing to save ourselves or make our way into heaven .  Living as a true Christian requires transformation from the old sinful life to a new, regenerated life given to us through God's plan...by the sacrificial work Jesus completed on the cross to fulfill the Father's will.

Matthew 7:21 - "Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

If you want to learn more, we invite you to join us in person or online via Facebook this Sunday at 10:30 a.m.   Everyone is welcome!
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    • Contact CBC

      Calvary Baptist Church
      1515 E State Rd. 10
      Knox, Indiana 46534

      Phone: 574-772-4993

      Brian Pinson, Pastor
      Saundra Howard, Secretary

      Sunday School 9:30AM
      Worship Service 10:30AM
    • Follow us

      Verse of the Day

      1 John 3:11  “[More on Love and Hatred] For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.”
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