This Sunday's message will conclude the sermon series "Living in Light of the Lord's Imminent Return". Pastor Brian will present Part III, which will focus on the fact that every Christian is to be passionate in his/her service to God and to others, fulfilling the purpose God has placed on his/her life. This week's message comes from 1 Peter 4:10-11, reminding us that all spiritual gifts come from God, and that every Christian has been given a gift. It could be singing, playing music, preaching, evangelizing, hospitality, working with children, teaching, administration, and the list goes on. We are responsible for using our gifts for God's service. The Apostle Peter reminded the believers that there is something greater than this perishing world, that this world is not their permanent home, and that in light of the Lord's imminent return, we are to put emphasis more on Godly priorities rather than earthly, human priorities. Want to know more? We invite you to join us this Sunday, either in person or online via Facebook, at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome.
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