Morning Worship and Children's Church - May 5, 2024
This Sunday, Pastor Brian will deliver a message that should open our spiritual eyes into eternity future. His message, "The Reality of Heaven and Hell" is taken from Luke 16:19-31 - the story of the beggar named Lazarus and the rich man. God, in His great love and mercy, gives each of us a choice...we can choose to believe in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins and accept Him as our Savior, choosing to accept His plan of redemption and follow Him, and in the end, be welcomed into Heaven. God is also just and holy, and sin will never enter Heaven. So, we can choose to live our lives selfishly, not recognizing that we need a Savior, and travel blindly down a road to destruction, and end in Hell. Our souls live forever...and God's Word continues to remind us...choose this day who you will serve. Want to find out more about the reality that awaits us after we leave this earthly place? Please join us this Sunday, May 5, in person or online via Facebook, at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome!
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